Thursday, January 20, 2011


i will date myself. i grew up in the days when 'nifty' meant cool. neat. awesome.

today it is 'knifty' and it means the coolest little plastic hoop ever for making hats :)

as i was knitting little hats with big flowers with no real purpose, other than i liked doing it, i realized maybe i could use them to raise money to help little haitians in the orphanage where the Lord is allowing ben, sam, and i (and a team of others) to go work in february.

thus, my next little project was born. and blog. i've been blessed to be able to travel to some amazing places -- china, vietnam, rwanda, and now haiti, and Lord willing, eventually ethiopia :) -- and blogging from these places has always helped me work through what the Lord is doing in my heart and family, as a result of these journeys.

thank you Father for another adventure.


  1. So they are BEYOND cute. Are you selling them or they already gone? If you are selling them I will buy one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would buy a hat for Youdeline Jean but are they too warm for Haiti?

  4. Jan,
    I didn't even know you were doing this....I love the Hats! I will buy three if you are still making them. Even if it is for the next trip. I love the hats and I love you too.
